— night of christmas CHARACTER PROFILES —

(in order of their appearance)



Lead Character

An eccentric, overly confident, silly and yet profound storyteller with a flair for the dramatic. He is older and lives alone (except for one household staff member) in an old mansion with a big, messy library. 

Mic’d Cast. Advanced acting and agility skills required.


Supporting Lead

Griot’s butler. (Versatile in interpretation, based on casting, i.e. Mrs. Pennybottom). Obliges Griot’s whims with the occasional snarky retort, or correction, but primarily Griot’s partner in crime. 

Mic’d Cast. Advanced acting and agility skills required.


Supporting Characters

Regal, dramatic, emotive, and story telling through the song(s). 

Mic’d Cast. Advanced vocals with expressiveness required.


Supporting Characters

Expressive and striking. Compelling. 

Advanced dance, or special skills required.

Sir Gerald

Supporting Character

A knight standing guard beside Griot’s chair. One of four Library Characters.

Mic’d Cast. Energetic, robotic movements that are not human but more “cartoon like.” Advanced acting and agility skills required.

The Nutcracker

Supporting Character

Stands at attention next to Griot’s desk. One of four Library Characters.

Mic’d Cast. Energetic, robotic movements that are not human but more “cartoon like.” Advanced acting and agility skills required.


Supporting Character

Bronze statue lying horizontally on the bookshelf. One of four Library Characters.

Mic’d Cast. Energetic, robotic movements that are not human but more “cartoon like.” Advanced acting and agility skills required.


Supporting Character

Painting hanging over the fireplace. One of four Library Characters.

Mic’d Cast. Energetic, robotic movements that are not human but more “cartoon like.” Advanced acting and agility skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

A cunning and politically astute ruler of Judea under Roman authority. His obsessive search for Jesus underscores his paranoia and fear of losing power. Herod is characterized by his ruthless nature, seen in actions such as ordering the massacre of infants in Bethlehem to eliminate any threat to his reign posed by the prophesied Messiah. His determination to locate and eradicate Jesus reflects both his insecurity and his willingness to resort to extreme measures to maintain control.

Advanced acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

After giving birth in Bethlehem, she and her husband Joseph are fleeing to Egypt as instructed by the Angel Gabriel to escape the wrath of Herod.

Advanced acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

Earthly father to Jesus, after having been visited by the Archangel Gabriel was instructed to flee Bethlehem to Egypt. This was so that Jesus (now roughly 2 years old) would not suffer the wrath of the jealous King, Herod.

Advanced acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

The Archangel Gabriel, a messenger angel on direct assignment from God. Sent to warn the 3 Kings not to return to King Herod, but to return home taking a different way than they used to get to Bethlehem. He was also assigned to warn Joseph of Herod’s plan to murder all of the baby boys in Israel 2 years old, or younger.

Intermediate acting skills required.

3 Wisemen

Ensemble Supporting Role

Three wise men, also known as magi or kings, traveled from the East to visit Jesus after seeing his star. They came bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myhr, but were visited in a dream by the angel Gabriel and warned not to return to King Herod who wanted to kill the child, but to return home by going another way.

Intermediate acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

Roman captain or commander overseeing a contingent of soldiers tasked with protecting Herod and maintaining order in the palace and taking orders directly from Herod. Obeying the orders of his King, he is on the hunt for the infant Messiah.

Intermediate acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

A figure respected for their ability to interpret signs, omens, and supernatural messages believed to foretell future events or guide decisions. Divination practices varied widely, from astrology to the interpretation of patterns in natural elements like fire or water. They would often perform rituals or ceremonies to invoke spiritual guidance and clarity.

Intermediate acting skills required.

Jewish people consisting of men, women, and children, subject to Roman rule, under the client King, Herod. Fearfully running and hiding from Herod and his soldiers as they wreak havoc throughout Israel to eliminate all male children, ages 2 and under.

Intermediate acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

Israelite Messengers

Ensemble Supporting Role

Jewish people who, upon hearing of Herod’s decree to commit infanticide, run to warn families to hide their young boys and avoid the Roman soldiers at all cost.

Intermediate acting skills required.


Ensemble Supporting Role

Roman officials out to do the bidding of the governing authorities. On the hunt to find and eliminate all Jewish boys 2 years of age and younger.

Intermediate acting skills required.