Awaken Theater
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We wield our God inherited ability to create atmosphere and shift culture as a superpower, not as a weapon of mass destruction. We bring our greatest level of excellence to ALL that we do. We set the thermostat of honor, integrity, and professionalism. We believe that everything we do influences the world around us.


We take ownership of everything we are a part of. We are prepared to do what is necessary for what is in our hands to succeed; thick or thin, hell or high water, we are IN THIS TOGETHER. We own our defeats and share our victories. We don’t pass blame but take responsibility for our actions. We believe in endless grace but no excuses. We know that we can only get out of something, what we intentionally put in. We believe in empowering each other to do our very best. We are committed to becoming better everyday, one small thing at a time.


You belong here. This isn’t about fitting in, but rather, bringing what makes you unique, to the table. We are the family we choose to do life with. We believe the best in one another and will remain unoffendable and coachable in every aspect of life. We challenge ideas and beliefs because we are committed to fighting for truth, not for the sake of being right. We fight FOR and not with one another. Quitting is not an option. We believe vulnerability builds relationships. We love celebrating each other and we are devoted to championing those next to us. Encouragement is the life blood of a healthy family.


We believe that joy is a choice. Whether circumstances are favorable or unfavorable, we choose to do it happy. We will always remain the student. We do not know it all, and choose to stay learning. Correction, direction, and instruction is what builds us up, and is NEVER intended to defeat us. In fact, we welcome the moments that develop us. Our favorite question is “What can I work on?” We will embrace the suck! If it sucks, you won’t find us complaining. We have an attitude of gratitude. We are grateful in every moment because we are one step closer to being the people God intends us to be.


We see the BIG picture! We think in the long term. Pushing the limits is our thing. We find comfort in the uncomfortable. We are innovative in our efforts to shift culture and change the arts and entertainment industry. Box? What box? We are so far removed from the box, it’s our nature to think outside of it. We think and speak prophetically. God has given us the ability to see things that are not, and command them into being. We will do something worth remembering.

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