PCO - Scheduling System


+ If you are not familiar with "PCO" (as we call it), it is our scheduling system. Along with having the general calendar accessible, this will be the system that our Theater Assistant will be rostering (or scheduling) you through for each specific rehearsal you are to attend.
+ The general calendar will show ALL rehearsal dates, whereas PCO will be specific to you and the days we need you at rehearsal.

We want to make sure we respect and maximize your time, so you will not be called to every rehearsal.


+ You will receive and email from Planning Center Online. The email should say “Welcome to Planning Center
+ Below in the blue box you will see your username (which will be the email you provided us) and a link to set up your password.
+ Click the blue link that says “Click here to set your password”
+ Follow the instructions by first entering your email or phone number then click the blue box that says “Send Code”
+ Once you “Send Code,” navigate to your email or text (whichever you decided to send code to) and collect your code.
+ Copy your code then paste it on the previous Planning Center Page, then hit continue
+ Create a password then hit “Reset Password”


+ Always confirm or deny as soon as you get your request. Being committed is excellence
+ Always provide a reason for your decline. Let your CTL (cast team lead) know ahead of time.
+ Download the app for easy access to your schedule


+ You will notice when you’re rostered that you’ll receive 2 times: a Call Time & a Downbeat time. *Some of you will receive multiple times in the night. This is due to running multiple scenes in the night that you’ll need to be a part of.

1) Call Time: The LATEST time that you are to be in the building for rehearsal. Please feel free to come anytime before this to get yourself settled, say your hellos, go over lines, eat dinner, stretch etc.
2) Downbeat Time: The time we will hit play on the track for the scene we will be running that night.


+ In your Welcome email, you were provided with a link labeled “Getting Started Video and Lessons.” Please feel free to watch these to get yourself comfortable.


This is your primary mode of communication from leadership.

+ We use Slack to communicate with the cast about rehearsals, share rehearsal videos and directors notes, and lots of other pertinent information like rehearsal updates or additions, date changes or new call times, costumes and makeup details, etc.
+ You may already be in our Awaken Theater Slack Workspace, but if not, click the button below to join.
+ After you’ve downloaded slack, we can add you to the correct channels.
+ Slack is your primary mode of communication from leadership. We use Slack to communicate with the cast about rehearsals, share rehearsal videos and directors notes, and lots of other pertinent information like rehearsal updates or additions, date changes or new call times, costumes and makeup details, etc.

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